Martes el trece #1

1.¿Adónde fue él cuando se rompió el brazo?

He went to the hospital when he broke his arm.

Él fue al hospital cuando se rompió el brazo

2.¿Por qué llegó tarde él a la escuela?

He arrived late because he missed (perder) the bus.

Él Llegó tarde porque perdió el autobús.

3.¿Por qué pensó él que el miércoles sea(would be) mejor día?

Because his friend gave him good news about his wallet.

Porque su amigo le dio buena noticias acerca de su cartera.

4.¿Por qué recibió una detención en la clase de ciencias?

He received a detention because he talked too much(demasiado) in science class.

Él recibió una detención porque él hablió demasiado en la clase de ciencias.

5.¿Qué comió él para el almuerzo?

He didn’t eat nothing for lunch.

Él no comió nada para almuerzo.

News Story 2

As a result of being charged with theft of an amount of between $1,500 and $20,000, Mary Burns awaits prosecution of criminal charges filed by the PTA.


“We had a good idea she was taking money from the organization,” PTA finance officer Jeannette Lumpkin said.


The PTA had discovered that during the previous fall season there was $2,000 missing and they assumed she took more since a majority of the contributions were in cash.

“There wasn’t enough money in the account to pay the $1,200 for buses, lunch and tickets to the play,” Lumpkin said.


The school planned for the junior English students to see Macbeth last fall, but there was not enough money left in the in the account due to the $2,000 missing.


“After the audit we realized who probably took it, we were feeling that someone we considered our friend had deceived us,” PTA president Sydney Long said.


After this incident, the PTA board was afraid that this would tear our school apart, yet it actually brought the school and PTA together.


“It is tragic on a number of different levels,” superintendent Curtis King said. “It’s a terrible thing for the PTA at the high school, and also for the individual charged in the case.”


If Mrs. Burns is found guilty for the theft charges between $1,500 and $20,000, she could be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in jail and/or receive a fine of $150,000.


“It was a shock to find out this has happened,” Junior English teacher Marilyn Lenk said. “ As one of the faculty sponsors of the PTA I had the opportunity to work with all the parents on a more personal level.”


The parents of the organization were devastated to find out that a teacher from the school was responsible for the missing money in the account.


“I know it was really difficult to go to my classes and tell them we couldn’t go to the play like we had planned,” Lenk said.

News Story One

Carter Wheat         11-13-14

News Story One


To determine whether to overturn principal King’s decision on Stack’s request to grow his hair out, there will be a School Board meeting at 7pm on Monday in the admin building to vote on his request.

“There are other ways Jim could help the Locks of Love group,” Principal Tonya King said.

Principal King suggests that there are many ways that junior Jim Stack can help the group Locks of Love. To Jim, this is more than a simple donation.

“Donating my hair to Locks of Love is very special to me,” Stack said.

His donation is very meaningful to him because his 5-year-old sister had lost all of her hair during chemotherapy and was overwhelmed with joy when she received her wig from the Locks of Love organization.

“Anyone can donate money, but it takes time and dedication to grow your hair and donate,” Stack said.

He is is backing up his view against principal King’s statement about there being other ways to help such as just simply donating money.

“It won’t be hurting anyone when my hair gets longer,’ Stack said.

Stack hopes the school board will understand his reasoning behind his request. He even agreed to tuck it into my shirt so it won’t be noticeable.

“Girls have long hair, and no one is distracted,” Student Council president Gilbert Castillo said.

He even sees that this is an issue and the fact that girls can wear their hair in any fashion and boys cannot, should be addressed. Stack hopes that Principal King and the school board can see his point view and can overturn King’s earlier ruling.

“Every month we receive about 200 requests from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child, and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those requests,” Gisel Roco, President of Locks of Love said.

Stacks donation can help fill in the missing gaps that need to be filled and in hope can give another child joy like his sister received.

“After I reach my goal of 10 inches of hair, I hope I can inspire more people in the town to grow their hair and donate it.” Stack said.

His goal is more than just to grow and donate hair, his overall goal is to help inspire others to bring joy you other sick children like his little sister. The student council also wrote a letter to the School Board in support of Stack and it was signed by 350 students backing Stacks request.

Ender’s Game Playlist

When the Tigers Broke Free- This talks about war and how it is like within war and how Ender might be feeling will commanding.

Pretend by Noah Silver- This explains how during the war Ender can just pretend that is is just like the games and that it’s all for training.

Theme for Ender’s game by Cancer Killing Gemini- This song explains how the I.F. is turnign children into killing machines and is morphing them into soldiers at young ages.

Ender’s Game Playlist